I'm sure there are some big changes that could insure their corporate survival for many decades but I don't expect them to be able make those necessary changes with a bunch of brain dead delusional old farts they got calling the shots as the Organization stands today with G.O.D. running every thing with 3rd grade school level education interpreting and cherry picking scriptures from the Bible and making up doctrines. Their brains are too filled with their own self serving bull shit to make good decisions.
It is a proven fact that fundamental Christian religion shrinks your brain:
Religions Mutate
Like genes and gene complexes, when an ideology is replicated—or passed from one person or group to another—it undergoes mutations. As a consequence, different versions of that belief system are produced, which generate different types of behavior. As such, there are often good and bad variants of any given religion. For instance, there are moderate versions of Christianity and Islamthat promote qualities like a sense of community and a moral code that fosters ethical behavior. These ideas can be beneficial to the host organism, i.e., the religious-practicing individual. At the same time, there are harmful variants of Islam and Christianity—specifically the rigid fundamentalist versions—that cause the host mind to process information in a biased way, think irrationally, and become delusional.